plan your visit

Jesus came to give abundant life to everyone who believes on Him.
We invite you to join us for worship this Sunday at 9:30 or 11:00 a.m. and experience all that God is doing here at CrossPointe Church. Take a minute to plan your visit today!

Who We Are

CrossPointe Church is a group of people whose driving priority is not to be traditional, but to be effective. Effective means the songs we sing may not always be familiar to people who have grown up in church, but the words of the songs we sing are powerful and they focus the heart and mind on who God is and what God has done. Effective means that we do not use the Bible to illustrate what we want to say or think. Instead, we teach what the Bible says and we are challenged and inspired every week to align our lives with God’s will. Effective means building community through kindness, love, and hospitality.  We work hard to treat everyone who attends CrossPointe like family. Finally, effective means that we will not be distracted by some of the things that have caused people to walk away from the church. While we are unapologetic about believing and teaching everything the Bible teaches, we strongly reject making up rules and regulations and expecting people to live up to human-made standards. We celebrate our freedom in Christ, not to do whatever we want to do, but to enjoy an abundant and impactful life through Jesus.

At CrossPointe you will find a church that teaches the Bible, worships God, and loves people. Focusing on being effective is the only way we know to lead people to connect and commit to Jesus. We hope you will take a couple of hours this Sunday to be our guest.

When We Gather


9:30 & 11:00 am


7:00 pm

What To Expect


Our parking lot can get a little congested on Sundays, but we've reserved space for you.  When you enter the parking lot, please activate your hazard lights, this will tell our parking team that you are our guest and they will direct you our guest parking area. 

Guest Services

You will be warmly greeted at the door by members of our welcome team.  Once inside, you can follow the signs to the Guest Services desk.  The volunteer behind the desk will help you find the nursery, the KidPointe Ministries area, adult Core Classes, or answer any other question you might have.  While you're at the guest services desk, please be sure to pick up a gift bag which contains additional information about CrossPointe Church.  Fill out your connection card and turn it in to stay up to date with everything happening at CrossPointe.


You are welcome to keep your children with you during the service, and we even have a Family Room off the worship center for energetic children.  You'll find a comfortable place in the Family Room to watch and listen to the sermon.  We also have a worship service designed especially for children and staffed by volunteers who love children, are highly trained, and have passed an extensive nationwide background check.  We also have wonderfully staffed, clean, and comfortable nurseries for infants, crawlers, and toddlers.

Worship Center

Our Worship Center is a comfortable size and, if you arrive early, you should easily find a seat.  Don't worry if you're running a little late, there are people ready to help you and your family find a place to sit.

Worship Service

We start promptly at 9:30 or 11:00 am and we almost aways begin a service with a song or Scripture. A typical service will last about 70-75 minutes and includes inspiring music and a message that faithfully and accurately explains and applies a biblical text.     

Classes for adults

9:30 Core Class Schedule (Jan 12 - Mar 30) 

What Do You Mean I'm a Disciple? - Room 103

Philipians: Trust the King - Room 101-102

Growth Track - Room 104
(Jan 12 - Mar 30)

A disciple is someone who commits to studying, living, and spreading the truth of a particular doctrine. As believers, if the life we live in the body is by faith in the Son of God—who loved us and gave Himself for us (Galatians 2:20)—then we, too, are His disciples. This means that Jesus has called each of us to follow Him and walk in His ways. Let’s take time to reflect on this high calling together and what it means to live as His disciple today.
In this letter, Paul charges believers to follow Christ’s example of humility and explains that true joy and righteousness come from Christ alone. With this focus, all followers of God can experience joy in good times, joy in difficult times—joy all the time! Join us as we explore Paul's message of encouragement to the Christians in Philippi.
 Growth Track guides you to discover your redemptive purpose and live the life God created for you. The Growth Track comprises three steps that equip you to 1) connect to the church, 2) discover the strengths of your purposeful design, and 3) use your God-given gifts to make a difference in the lives of others.

Note: Additional Growth Tracks may be added.

11:00 Core Class Schedule (Jan 12 - Mar 30) 

About our Bible - Room 104  

The Problem of Pain - Room 101-102 

How did we get our Bible? Is it trustworthy? What is the Chicago Statement and why does CrossPointe support it?  Why are there so many Bible translations and what is the King James Only controversy? Join us to confront these questions and more as we learn to better understand, appreciate, and study God’s Word together.
Suffering is a powerful stumbling block, whether to initial faith in Christ or a life of trust in God. How can a good God exist if people suffer? If I suffer, does that mean God doesn’t love me? We will take these questions head-on and find that suffering points us to the Cross, where not only was suffering upended but also the end of its reign begun.

Worship Music Is A Big Deal

Worship is more than a few minutes on Sunday, worship is a way of life.  At CrossPointe, we select songs that will inspire and encourage you every day because they teach sound doctrine and lead you to focus on Christ. Click on the playlist to listen to some of the songs we enjoy singing at CrossPointe!

Core Values

We Are For The Church

We will not reduce the church to an organization or an optional gathering because the church is central to the Christian life and necessary for spiritual fellowship.

We Are Spiritual Contributors

We are not spiritual consumers.  The church does not exist for us.  We are the church and we exist to serve others.

We Are Generous

We will sacrifice for Jesus and His church.  It is an honor to give up things we love for things we love even more.

We Operate By Faith

We are faith-filled, big-thinking risk takers.  We will not insult God with small thinking and safe living.

We Will Go

We are convinced that Jesus is the hope of the world.  We will do everything we must to reach everyone we can with the gospel.

We Will Disciple

We are responsible to learn and return what we have learned.  God gives information to transform lives.

How To Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.